NetBow™ is an innovative, user-friendly container irrigation multi-outlet dripper arc. NetBow™ was developed to address the needs of high-value soilless pot-irrigated crops such as blueberries and Cannabis, that require unique irrigation and fertigation knowhow. With NetBow™, roots develop in every square inch of the container including the top layer, where root development is critical, ensuring your crops reach their full growth potential and guarantees better ROI
- Uniform water distribution, top to bottom with no blind spots, thanks to surface 8 dripping outlets
- High clogging resistance - NetBow™ features 8 of Netafim’s high clogging-resistant Typhoon drippers that guarantees a lower risk of clogging.
- The user-friendly device simplifies installation and operation – with NetBow™ is easy to install & connect to micro-tubes, and placement in the container is easy.
- Options for connecting to diverse hub drippers like PCJ, PC, or Uniram™ with Dr Zip
What value do I get from NetBow™?
- Uniform growing
- Optimal root zone
- Fewer diseases
- Reduced labour
- Better ROI (maximized profit)
- Compatible with 20-40 litre containers
- Diameter: 250mm and 120mm
- Flow Rate: 8 dripping outlet
- Hub Dripper to be either a 2, 4, 6 or 8 L/hr Dripper
- The flow from each dripping outlet will be determined by the hub dripper, based on the pressure developed in the NetBow inlet
- the flow of 2.0 L/hr each at 1.0 bar (14.5 PSI)
- Superb chemical and UV resistance for extended durability
- Light grey colour for improved light reflection
- 3mm connection for 3mm tube