These are spare parts for Amiad 50mm T plastic Filter.
See the diagram bellow to make sure this is the replacement part you are interested in.
#1. 50mm T Housing upper (For 50mm T filter and 50mm T Super filter)
#2. 50mm T Filter Lid (Bowl) Only
#2.1. 40x20mm BSPF Adaptor for Flushing Valve (For 50mm T filter and 50mm T Super filter)
#2.2. 50/80mm Housing Seal O-ring (USABLE FOR ALL AMIAD 50mm/80mm FILTERS)
#3. 50/80mm T tightening Nut (USABLE FOR ALL AMIAD 50mm/80mm FILTERS)
#4. Pressure Check Point Plastic (AMPCPP)
#5.1 50mm Screen O-ring (USABLE FOR ALL AMIAD 50mm FILTERS)
Amiad 50mm T SUPER Filter
#1. Same as 50mm T (See above)
#2. 50mm T Super filter Lid (bowl) Only
#2.1. Same as 50mm T (See above)
#2.2. Same as 50mm T (See above)
#3. Same as 50mm T (See above)