This is a specially designed 6 stage reverse osmosis system for underbench use.
- The unit is capable of producing up to 189 litres per day
- This unit does an excellent job of eliminating undesirable contaminants, like Nitrate, Fluoride and Salt.
- The remineralising cartridge then puts beneficial minerals back in.
- Oasis DP are specially designed for installation under the kitchen sink and come complete with an installation kit.
- The unit comes complete, including all required connections, a 16L pressure tank and separate drinking water tap
- Made with exclusively Made in Italy Components
- 50 GPD - 1812 RO membrane
- Quick-fit connections
- Shut-off valve
- Min / max pressure switch
- AIC activated carbon post-filter
- AIM re-mineralizer post-filter
- Installation kit with dedicated tap
- 16 liter storage tank
Supply Power 220/230 V - 50/60 Hz
Volts 24 V
Amp 1,2 A
Power 22 W
Flow AT 5,5 bar (80 psi) 0,88 l/min (0.19 GPM)
Open Flow 1,5 l/min (0.375 GPM)
Max Output Pressure 8 bar (116 psi)