Features & Benefits
- Pressure compensating
- Precise and equal amounts of water are delivered over a broad pressure range
- 100 % uniformity of water and nutrients distribution along the laterals Continuous self-flushing dripper design
- Flushes debris as it is detected, throughout operation, not just at the beginning or end of a cycle, ensuring uninterrupted dripper operation Anti-Siphon mechanisam
- Anti-Siphon mechanism prevents contaminants from being drawn into the dripper
- Unique dripper design with Physical root barrier: better protection against root intrusion without reliance on chemicals
- Largest filter in each dripper
- Widest water passages within the dripper
- Unique TurboNetâ„¢ flow path Dripper position within the dripperline
- The water is drawn in to the dripper from the stream center, preventing the entrance of sediments in to the drippers Flexible tubing
- Adapts to any planting area shape UV resistant
- Withstands heat and direct sun - for on-surface installations Single hole dripper outlet from tubing
- Better protection against root intrusion
- Colored dripperline for easy identification when is needed to warns of the use of non-potable water
- For irrigation with non-potable water
- Sub-surface installations
- Commercial and residential applications
- Turf / Lawn, shrubs, trees, flowerbeds
- Use 16mm Dripperline fittings (do not use 16mm lateral fittings)
- Purple-colored dripperline warns of the use of non-potable water
- Anti-siphon mechanism
- Recommended filtration: 120 mesh
- Dripperline OD 16mm (outside diameter )
- Uses 16 mm Dripline fittings (not 16mm Lateral fittings)
- Choice of dripper flow rates: 1.6, 2.3, 3.5 l/h
- Pressure-compensating range: 1.0-4.0 bar
- Maximum system pressure: 4.0 bar
- Dripperline ID (inside diameter ): 14.2 mm
- Coil length: 100m